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Easy Lipton Iced Tea with a Citrus Twist – Bright & Breezy!

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Capture the essence of sunny days with this Easy Lipton Iced Tea Recipe that comes with a Citrus Twist!

Here is a refreshing beverage that effortlessly brings together the classic charm of Lipton tea with the vibrant zing of fresh citrus. The crisp taste of Lipton provides the perfect backdrop for the bright flavors of orange and lemon, while a hint of honey sweetens the deal without overpowering the natural fruitiness.

If you’re looking to enjoy a burst of delicious freshness that’s easy and fast to brew —  here it is!

Easy Lipton Iced Tea with a Citrus Twist

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Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Simple and Quick to Prepare: This recipe is incredibly easy to make, requiring only a few basic ingredients and minimal preparation time, making it an accessible option for a quick refreshment.
  • Refreshing Flavor: The combination of Lipton tea with fresh orange and lemon infuses this iced tea with a vibrant, refreshing citrus twist that’s perfect for cooling down on a warm day.
  • Health Benefits: Using fresh citrus fruits adds a natural source of vitamin C, known for its immune-boosting properties, and honey provides a healthier sweetening option compared to refined sugar.
  • Versatility in Garnishes: The option to add mint and cinnamon (or something else) as garnishes allows you to customize the drink to suit your taste preferences or to complement different occasions, from casual gatherings to more formal events.
  • Hydration with Flavor: This iced tea offers a delicious way to stay hydrated, combining the health benefits of tea and citrus fruits in a single, enjoyable drink.


This recipe is easy to make and doesn’t require many ingredients!

Here are some tips to ensure the best result:

Lipton Tea Bags:

  • Selection: Choose Lipton tea bags for their consistent quality and familiar flavor. They are readily available and known for producing a clear, robust tea that serves as a great base for iced tea. Instead of Lipton, you can use your favorite brand available in your tea cabinet.
  • Importance: The tea is the foundation of your drink, so starting with a reliable brand ensures a good result. The robustness of Lipton tea complements the citrus flavors well.

Oranges and Lemons:

  • Selection: Choose fresh, ripe oranges and lemons for the best flavor. Look for fruits that are heavy for their size, indicating juiciness. The skin should be vibrant and aromatic when lightly pressed.
  • Importance: Fresh citrus fruits add a natural sweetness and tanginess to the tea, enhancing its refreshing qualities. The essential oils in the peel also add depth to the drink’s aroma.


  • Selection: Opt for pure, natural honey to avoid the muted flavors or additives found in some commercial brands. Local honey is often a good choice as it can offer richer flavors.
  • Importance: Honey serves as a natural sweetener that blends smoothly with hot tea and complements the citrus flavors without overpowering the drink like some artificial sweeteners might.

Optional Garnishes (Mint, Cinnamon Stick):

  • Mint Leaves: Select fresh, vibrant green mint leaves without any brown spots. Mint adds a cool, fresh flavor that pairs wonderfully with citrus.
  • Cinnamon Stick: Choose whole cinnamon sticks, which infuse the tea with a subtle spiced flavor that can add warmth and complexity to the refreshing iced tea.
Lipton Iced Tea with Lemon and Orange

Ingredients for making 4 portions of Citrus Lipton Iced Tea:

  • 4 Lipton tea bags (or other brand, or 4 tsp loose leaf tea)
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 orange, sliced
  • 1 lemon, sliced
  • 2-3 tablespoons of honey (adjust to taste)
  • Ice cubes
  • Optional garnishes: fresh mint leaves, cinnamon stick

How to Make Citrus Lipton Iced Tea

Instructions for making 4 portions of Citrus Lipton Iced Tea:

  1. Boil Water:
    • Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a kettle or saucepan.
  2. Steep the Tea:
    • Once the water reaches a boil, remove from heat and add the Lipton tea bags. Allow them to steep for about 5 minutes to extract full flavor.
  3. Add Honey:
    • While the tea is still hot, stir in the honey until it dissolves completely. Adjust the amount based on your preferred sweetness.
  4. Cool the Tea:
    • Remove the tea bags and let the tea cool to room temperature. You can speed up this process by placing the saucepan in a wash basin with ice-cold water.
  5. Add Citrus Slices:
    • Once cooled, add slices of orange and lemon to the tea. Stir gently to combine and to release some of the citrus juices into the tea.
  6. Chill:
    • Refrigerate the tea for at least 1 hour to ensure it is thoroughly chilled and flavors meld together.
  7. Serve:
    • Fill glasses with ice cubes. Pour the chilled tea over the ice, making sure some of the citrus slices get into each glass.
    • Optionally, garnish with fresh mint leaves and/or a cinnamon stick for an extra layer of flavor and aroma.
  8. Enjoy:
    • Serve the iced tea immediately, enjoying the refreshing citrus flavors and the soothing qualities of the tea!
Lipton Citrus Iced Tea with Mint and Cinnamon

Tips & Variations

  • Brew the Mint & Cinnamon: Add the mint leaves and cinnamon sticks directly to the tea while it’s brewing to infuse it with their aromatic essences from the start. This method deepens the herbal freshness of the mint and the warm, spicy notes of the cinnamon, creating a richer, more complex flavor profile as they steep together with the tea.
  • Fruit Variations: Experiment with different citrus fruits like grapefruit, lime, or blood orange for varying levels of tartness and sweetness, creating a more complex flavor profile.
  • Sweetener Options: If honey isn’t your preferred sweetener, try agave syrup, simple syrup, or even a sugar-free alternative like stevia to tailor the sweetness to your dietary needs or preferences.
  • Cold Brew Method: For a smoother taste, try cold brewing the tea by steeping the tea bags in cold water in the refrigerator overnight. This method reduces the bitterness and astringency often produced by hot brewing.
  • Floral Notes: Incorporate edible flowers such as hibiscus or chamomile during the steeping process for a floral infusion that adds a unique aromatic experience and a touch of elegance to the drink.
Easy Lipton Iced Tea

Easy Lipton Iced Tea with a Citrus Twist

Enjoy a refreshing blend of Lipton Iced Tea enhanced with a vibrant citrus twist in this easy recipe. Featuring fresh lemon, orange, and a touch of honey, with optional mint and cinnamon garnishes, this delightful beverage is ideal for sipping on sunny days or whenever you crave a flavorful escape.
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • 4 Lipton tea bags (or other brand, or 4 tsp loose leaf tea)
  • 4 cups Water
  • 1 Orange, sliced
  • 1 Lemon, sliced
  • 2-3 Tablespoons of honey
  • Ice cubes
  • Optional garnishes: fresh mint leaves, cinnamon stick


  • Bring 4 cups of water to a boil in a kettle or saucepan and remove from heat. Steep the tea for about 5 minutes to extract full flavor.
  • While the tea is still hot, stir in the honey until it dissolves completely.
  • Let the tea cool to room temperature. You can speed up this process by placing the saucepan in a wash basin with ice-cold water.
  • Add slices of orange and lemon to the tea. Stir gently to combine and to release some of the citrus juices into the tea.
  • Refrigerate the tea for at least 1 hour to ensure it is thoroughly chilled and flavors meld together.
  • Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the chilled tea over the ice. Optionally, garnish with fresh mint leaves and/or a cinnamon stick for an extra layer of flavor and aroma!

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