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Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe – Triple Green Refresh!

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I’m thrilled to introduce you to my newest creation — the refreshing Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea!

With this recipe, my goal was to transcend the typical iced green tea experience. Combining three distinctly green elements — the sweet, tangy kiwi, the fresh, crisp mint, and the subtly earthy green tea — creates a truly unique and invigorating drink. The cold brew technique gently extracts the flavors, preserving the delicate essence of each component and ensuring a smooth, mild tea base that enhances their synergy.

The Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea is a perfect pick-me-up for hot summer days. It’s something you must experience and enjoy this summer!

Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Recipe

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Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Simple and Versatile: This recipe is straightforward to prepare with just a few ingredients and steps, and it’s versatile enough to be enjoyed on its own or as a base for cocktails or other beverage creations.
  • Refreshing Flavor Combination: The tartness of kiwi paired with the cooling effect of mint creates a uniquely refreshing taste that revitalizes the palate, making it a perfect choice for hot weather or a mid-day boost.
  • Gentle Brewing Method: The cold brew method used in this recipe ensures that the green tea’s flavor is smooth and mild, without the bitterness that hot brewing can sometimes produce. This makes it more appealing even to those who might not typically enjoy green tea.
  • Health Benefits: Green tea is renowned for its antioxidant properties, which can help reduce inflammation and support overall health. Combined with the vitamin C from kiwi and the digestive benefits of mint, this drink is not only tasty but also good for you.
  • Natural Energy Boost: Green tea contains a moderate amount of caffeine, providing a natural energy boost without the jitters associated with coffee. The addition of fresh kiwi also adds natural sugars for a quick energy lift.


    Here’s a breakdown of the key ingredients and what to consider when choosing them for the Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea:

    Green Tea:

    • Type: Use high-quality green tea bags or loose leaf green tea. Varieties like Sencha, Gunpowder, or Dragon Well green tea work well.
    • Choosing Tip: Opt for loose leaf tea if you want a more robust flavor. Ensure the leaves are fresh and have a bright, green color, indicating quality and freshness. For bags, look for ones without unnecessary additives or flavorings.


    • Ripeness: Choose ripe kiwis with smooth, slightly fuzzy skin and a firm yet tender feel. They should give slightly when gently squeezed.
    • Selecting Tip: The skin should be free of blemishes or soft spots. Bright green flesh with tiny black seeds is a sign of a ripe kiwi.

    Fresh Mint Leaves:

    • Variety: Spearmint is commonly used for its mild, refreshing flavor. Peppermint can also be used for a stronger mint taste.
    • Choosing Tip: Select leaves that are vibrant green and free from brown spots. The mint should have a fresh, crisp scent. For the best flavor, use leaves from the upper parts of the plant.

    Honey or Sweetener (Optional):

    • Type: Use raw honey for a natural sweetness and added health benefits. Agave syrup or stevia can also be good alternatives.
    • Choosing Tip: Opt for organic or raw honey to avoid additives. Adjust the sweetness according to your taste preference, adding it gradually while stirring to dissolve completely.

    These carefully selected ingredients come together to create a refreshing and invigorating cold brew tea, perfect for hot days or when you need a revitalizing pick-me-up. Enjoy the balance of flavors and the crisp, clean taste of this delightful beverage!

    Ingredients for making 4 portions of Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea:

    • 4 cups of cold water
    • 4 green tea bags or 2 tablespoons of loose leaf green tea
    • 2 ripe kiwis, peeled and thinly sliced
    • A handful of fresh mint leaves
    • Honey or another sweetener to taste (optional)
    • Ice cubes for serving

    How to Make Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea

    Instructions for making 4 portions of Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea:

    1. Prepare the Tea Mixture:
      • In a large pitcher, combine the cold water, green tea bags (or loose leaf tea), and fresh mint leaves.
    2. Add Kiwi:
      • Add the sliced kiwi to the pitcher. If you prefer a sweeter drink, you can also muddle some of the kiwi slices to release their juices before adding them.
    3. Sweeten (Optional):
      • If desired, add honey or your preferred sweetener to the mixture, adjusting the quantity according to taste. Stir well to ensure it’s evenly distributed.
    4. Refrigerate:
      • Cover the pitcher and refrigerate for at least 6-8 hours, preferably overnight, to allow the tea to infuse with the flavors of mint and kiwi.
    5. Strain and Serve:
      • Once the tea has steeped and is sufficiently flavored, strain out the green tea, mint leaves, and kiwi slices. Pour the cold brew tea into glasses or glass jars filled with ice.
    6. Garnish and Enjoy:
      • Garnish each glass with a few fresh mint leaves and a slice of kiwi. Enjoy!
    Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe

    Tips & Variations

    • Use Jasmine Pearl Tea: Substitute standard green tea with Jasmine pearl green tea for a fragrant upgrade. As the pearls unfurl in the cold water, they’ll release a delicate jasmine aroma that beautifully harmonizes with the kiwi and mint, adding a luxurious floral touch to the brew.
    • Citrus Twist: Add a few slices of lemon or lime to the pitcher before refrigerating to infuse a citrusy brightness that complements the kiwi and mint flavors.
    • Sparkling Upgrade: Serve the cold brew tea topped with sparkling water for a fizzy version that enhances its refreshing qualities.
    • Edible Flowers: Garnish the drink with edible flowers such as violets or marigolds for a visually stunning presentation that adds a subtle floral note to each sip.
    • Matcha Dusting: Before serving, dust a small amount of matcha powder over the top of the drink for a vibrant color boost and a dose of rich, grassy flavor that complements the lighter green tea notes.
    Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea Recipe

    Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea

    Kiwi Mint Cold Brew Green Tea is a refreshing and healthful drink blending the subtle flavors of green tea with the zest of kiwi and the coolness of mint. Perfect for hydrating on a warm day or enjoying as a flavorful pick-me-up!
    Prep Time 10 minutes
    Course Drinks
    Servings 4


    • 4 cups Cold water
    • 4 green tea bags or 2 tablespoons of loose leaf green tea
    • 2 Ripe kiwis, peeled and thinly sliced
    • A handful of fresh mint leaves
    • Honey or another sweetener to taste optional
    • Ice cubes for serving


    • Combine the cold water, green tea bags (or loose leaf tea), and fresh mint leaves in a large pitcher.
    • Add the sliced kiwi to the pitcher. If you prefer a sweeter drink, you can also muddle some of the kiwi slices to release their juices before adding them.
    • If desired, add honey or your preferred sweetener to the mixture, adjusting the quantity according to taste. Stir well to ensure it’s evenly distributed.
    • Cover the pitcher and refrigerate for at least 6-8 hours, preferably overnight, to allow the tea to infuse with the flavors of mint and kiwi.
    • Strain out the green tea, mint leaves, and kiwi slices and pour the cold brew tea into glasses or glass jars filled with ice.
    • Garnish each glass with a few fresh mint leaves and a slice of kiwi. Enjoy!

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