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Peach Tea Bourbon Smash Recipe – Perfect for Sweet Summer Evenings!

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The Peach Tea Bourbon Smash is a cocktail that artfully bridges the gap between traditional Southern refreshments and modern mixology.

Originating from the classic whiskey smash, which dates back to the 1800s, this contemporary twist incorporates the lush flavors of ripe peaches and the deep, earthy tones of black tea. It’s a celebration of the sweet summer bounty, perfect for sipping as the sun dips below the horizon and the evening begins to sparkle.

Whether you’re hosting a garden party or unwinding after a long day, mixing up a Peach Tea Bourbon Smash promises a blend of nostalgia and novelty that will captivate your senses and refresh your spirit!

Peach Tea Bourbon Smash Recipe

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Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Refreshing Yet Robust: The combination of bourbon and fresh fruit makes this cocktail both refreshing and robust, serving as an excellent choice for a transition drink from the late afternoon into the evening.
  • Simple Preparation: Despite its sophisticated flavor profile, the Peach Tea Bourbon Smash is straightforward to prepare, requiring only a few ingredients and simple steps, making it accessible for both novice and experienced mixologists.
  • Herbal Flexibility: While basil is suggested, other herbs like mint or thyme can be substituted or added for a different herbal note, offering a creative twist and personalization to each batch.
  • Sophisticated Sweetness: The use of maple syrup provides a refined, earthy sweetness that complements the bourbon far better than typical refined sugars, adding depth and a hint of rustic charm.
  • Tea-Infused Complexity: Incorporating black tea into the cocktail not only adds a layer of complexity but also a slight tannic balance to the sweetness of the peaches and syrup, creating a more rounded and interesting drink.
  • Culinary Cocktail Adventure: This cocktail encourages experimentation with its ingredients, allowing enthusiasts to explore different bourbon types or peach varieties to subtly tweak the flavor profile to their liking.


Each ingredient contributes to making the Peach Tea Bourbon Smash a complex and delightful cocktail — so choose carefully!


  • Selection: Choose ripe, juicy peaches that are slightly soft to the touch. The fruit should have a fragrant aroma and vibrant color without any large bruises or blemishes. Ripe peaches will provide the best natural sweetness and flavor for the cocktail.
  • Importance: Peaches are the star of this drink, providing a sweet, fruity base that pairs beautifully with the bourbon and herbal notes.

Black Tea:

  • Selection: Opt for a robust black tea that can stand up to the strong flavors of bourbon and peach. Earl Grey or English Breakfast Tea are good choices as they offer a strong flavor that won’t be overshadowed by the other ingredients.
  • Importance: Black tea adds a depth of flavor and slight bitterness that balances the sweetness of the peach and maple syrup, and complements the complexity of the bourbon.


  • Selection: Choose a bourbon that you enjoy drinking. It should have a good balance of sweetness and smoky notes. Higher proof bourbon will carry more flavor that can stand up well in mixed drinks.
  • Importance: Bourbon provides the alcoholic backbone of the drink, contributing warmth and a rich, oaky flavor that pairs excellently with the sweet and herbal components.


  • Selection: Look for fresh basil leaves that are bright green and free from spots or wilting. Fresh basil will provide the best flavor.
  • Importance: Basil adds a fresh, aromatic quality to the cocktail, introducing an herbal complexity that enhances the overall flavor profile.

Maple Syrup:

  • Selection: Use pure maple syrup for its rich flavor and natural sweetness. Avoid artificial maple-flavored syrups, as they can introduce unwanted chemical flavors into your cocktail.
  • Importance: Maple syrup acts as a natural sweetener, smoothing out the potent flavors of bourbon and balancing the acidity of the peach. Its unique taste adds a subtle woody or caramel note that complements the drink’s overall flavor.
loose leaf black tea in a jar, fresh peaches on a plate, basil, bourbon bottle, and maple syrup

Ingredients for making one Peach Tea Bourbon Smash:

  • 1 large ripe peach, sliced or chopped
  • 1/2 cup brewed strong black tea, cooled
  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • 1 tablespoon maple syrup, or to taste
  • Ice cubes
  • Extra peach slices and basil leaves for garnish

How to Make Peach Tea Bourbon Smash

This easy-to-make cocktail is perfect for summer evenings or as a festive drink at gatherings, offering a delightful mix of fruity, herbal, and alcoholic notes that are sure to impress!

Peach Tea Bourbon Smash Recipe

Instructions for making Peach Tea Bourbon Smash:

  1. Prepare the Black Tea:
    • Brew the black tea and allow it to cool completely. This can be done ahead of time to ensure the tea is ready to use when mixing the drink.
  2. Muddle the Peach and Basil:
    • In a cocktail shaker, add the chopped or sliced peach and a few basil leaves. Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to mash them together until the peach is broken down and the basil is bruised to release their flavors.
  3. Mix the Cocktail:
    • Add the cooled black tea, bourbon, and maple syrup to the muddled peach and basil. Shake well to combine all the flavors. If you prefer a sweeter drink, adjust the amount of maple syrup to your liking.
  4. Add Ice:
    • Fill the shaker with ice and shake again until the mixture is well chilled.
  5. Strain and Serve:
    • Strain the mixture into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice cubes to catch any peach pulp or basil leaves.
  6. Garnish and Enjoy:
    • Garnish with additional peach slices and a sprig of fresh basil. Serve immediately and enjoy!

Tips & Variations

  • Experiment with Different Teas: Try using smoked black tea or a fruit-infused black tea for a different twist on the flavor profile, enhancing the smoky notes or introducing new fruity dimensions.
  • Swap the Sweetener: Consider using honey or agave nectar instead of maple syrup to alter the sweetness profile. Each has its own distinct flavor that can add a new layer to the cocktail.
  • Add Citrus Zest: Include a bit of lemon or orange zest when muddling the peach and basil to add a bright, citrusy pop that complements the bourbon and peach flavors beautifully.
  • Use Grilled Peaches: For a deeper, caramelized flavor, grill the peaches before muddling them in the cocktail. This can add a smoky richness that pairs exceptionally well with bourbon.
  • Create a Non-Alcoholic Version: Substitute the bourbon with a splash of ginger ale or sparkling water for a non-alcoholic version that still enjoys the complex flavors of peach, basil, and tea.
  • Infuse with Spice: Add a small pinch of cayenne pepper or a slice of jalapeño when muddling the peach and basil to introduce a spicy kick that contrasts intriguingly with the sweet and herbal flavors.
Peach Tea Bourbon Smash Recipe

Peach Tea Bourbon Smash

Peach Tea Bourbon Smash is a refreshing cocktail that blends sweet peaches, robust black tea, smooth bourbon, and fresh basil, sweetened with a touch of maple syrup. Perfect for summer evenings, this drink offers a delightful mix of flavors that's sure to impress!
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 1


  • 1 Large ripe peach sliced or chopped
  • 1/2 cup Brewed strong black tea cooled
  • 2 oz Bourbon
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • 1 tbsp Maple syrup
  • Ice cubes
  • Extra peach slices and basil leaves for garnish


  • Brew the black tea and allow it to cool completely. This can be done ahead of time to ensure the tea is ready to use when mixing the drink.
  • In a cocktail shaker, add the chopped or sliced peach and a few basil leaves. Use a muddler or the back of a spoon to mash them together until the peach is broken down and the basil is bruised to release their flavors.
  • Add the cooled black tea, bourbon, and maple syrup to the muddled peach and basil. Shake well to combine all the flavors. If you prefer a sweeter drink, adjust the amount of maple syrup to your liking.
  • Fill the shaker with ice and shake again until the mixture is well chilled.
  • Strain the mixture into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice cubes to catch any peach pulp or basil leaves.
  • Garnish with additional peach slices and a sprig of fresh basil. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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