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Blackberry Tea Margarita – A Fruity Tequila Surprise (Frozen Version Included)

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I’m excited to tell you that I’ve crafted a tantalizing twist on a classic drink with this Blackberry Tea Margarita recipe. This cocktail is a bold dance of flavors, merging the sweet, tart kick of the berries with the grounded, aromatic warmth of tea.

So join me as we toast to creativity and savor the complexity of this uniquely spirited concoction. Let’s mix, pour, and revel in the vibrant interplay of flavors that define this extraordinary drink!

Blackberry Tea Margarita

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Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Innovative Flavor Combination: The unique pairing of blackberry and tea with tequila offers a novel taste experience that deviates from traditional margaritas, providing a delightful surprise for the palate.
  • Refreshing and Fruity: The use of fresh blackberries not only adds a vibrant, refreshing element but also infuses the drink with natural sweetness and a burst of fruity flavor.
  • Antioxidant-Rich: Blackberries are loaded with antioxidants and vitamins, making this margarita a healthier choice that contributes to overall wellness while indulging in a spirited beverage.
  • Simple to Make: Despite its sophisticated flavor profile, this recipe is straightforward and easy to prepare, requiring only a few ingredients and minimal equipment, making it accessible to everyone.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: The deep purple hue of the blackberries, combined with the clarity of the tea-infused margarita, makes for a visually stunning drink that’s sure to impress guests and elevate any table setting.
  • Customizable Strength: You can easily adjust the strength of the tea and the amount of tequila to suit your taste preferences, making it a versatile option for different tolerance levels and flavor profiles.


When preparing a Blackberry Tea Margarita, selecting high-quality ingredients is crucial for enhancing both the flavor and the overall drinking experience.

Here’s a breakdown of the key components:


  • Selection: Choose ripe, plump blackberries for maximum sweetness and juiciness. Fresh blackberries are ideal as they provide the best flavor and color, but frozen blackberries can also work if fresh ones are out of season.
  • Benefits: Blackberries are rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, which contribute to overall health benefits.


  • Selection: Opt for a high-quality black or green tea, depending on your taste preference. Black tea offers a robust flavor, while green tea is lighter and slightly grassy. Ensure the tea is freshly brewed and cooled to preserve its flavors and aromatics.
  • Benefits: Tea contains antioxidants and has been linked to various health benefits, including improved heart health and metabolism.


  • Selection: A good-quality blanco or silver tequila is best for margaritas as it’s clean, crisp, and allows the flavors of the mixer to shine through.
  • Benefits: Tequila is the spirit base of the drink, providing the characteristic margarita kick.

Lime Juice:

  • Selection: Always use fresh limes rather than bottled lime juice. Fresh lime juice provides a brighter, more authentic flavor.
  • Benefits: Lime juice adds a citrusy acidity that balances the sweetness of the blackberries and the bitterness of the tea.

Triple Sec:

  • Selection: Choose a reputable brand of triple sec or another orange-flavored liqueur, such as Cointreau, for a smoother, more refined flavor.
  • Benefits: Adds a subtle orange essence that complements the overall flavor profile of the margarita.

Agave Syrup:

  • Selection: Opt for pure agave syrup for a natural and authentic sweetener that blends well with tequila.
  • Benefits: Agave syrup is sweeter than sugar, meaning you can use less of it. It also has a lower glycemic index, which can be beneficial for blood sugar management.

Garnishes (Salt, Sugar, Lime, and Extra Blackberries):

  • Selection: Use coarse salt or granulated sugar for rimming the glasses. Additional blackberries and lime slices enhance the visual appeal and add a fresh burst of flavor.
  • Benefits: Garnishes not only make the drink more inviting but also add layers of flavor and texture.

Ingredients for 2 Blackberry Tea Margaritas:

  • 1 cup fresh blackberries (plus extra for garnish)
  • 1/2 cup brewed tea (black or green tea, cooled)
  • 3 ounces tequila
  • 1.5 ounces lime juice
  • 1 ounce triple sec or any orange-flavored liqueur
  • 1 tablespoon agave syrup or simple syrup (adjust to taste)
  • Ice cubes
  • Salt or sugar for rimming the glass
  • Lime slices and fresh blackberries for garnish

How to Make Blackberry Tea Margarita

Instructions for marking 2 Blackberry Tea Margaritas:

  1. Prepare the Tea:
    • Brew your choice of tea and allow it to cool completely. This can be done ahead of time and kept chilled in the refrigerator.
  2. Muddle the Blackberries:
    • In a cocktail shaker, muddle about 1 cup of fresh blackberries to release their juice and flavors.
  3. Mix the Cocktail:
    • Add the cooled tea, tequila, lime juice, triple sec, and agave syrup to the shaker with the muddled blackberries. Fill the shaker halfway with ice cubes.
  4. Shake It Up:
    • Secure the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to combine all the ingredients well.
  5. Prepare the Glasses:
    • Run a lime slice around the rim of each glass and then dip the rims into salt or sugar, according to your preference.
  6. Strain and Serve:
    • Strain the mixture into the prepared glasses filled with fresh ice cubes to catch any blackberry seeds and pulp.
  7. Garnish:
    • Garnish each glass with a lime slice and a few fresh blackberries on a skewer or floating on top.
  8. Enjoy:
    • Serve immediately and enjoy the refreshing taste of your Blackberry Tea Margarita!

Blackberry Tea Frozen Margarita

To create a frozen version of the Blackberry Tea Margarita, start by brewing your tea and allowing it to cool. Once cooled, blend the tea with ripe blackberries, tequila, lime juice, triple sec, and a sweetener like agave syrup in a blender.

Then add a generous amount of ice to achieve a slushy consistency. Blend everything until smooth.

Taste and adjust the sweetness or lime as needed. Serve the frozen margarita in glasses rimmed with salt or sugar, garnished with lime slices and additional blackberries for a refreshing and visually appealing summer cocktail.

    Tips & Variations

    • Spice it Up: Add a small slice of jalapeño or a dash of chili powder to the shaker before mixing to introduce a spicy kick that contrasts beautifully with the sweet and tangy flavors.
    • Herbal Notes: Infuse the tea with fresh mint or basil leaves before cooling it to add a refreshing herbal dimension to your cocktail.
    • Switch the Spirit: Experiment with substituting tequila for mezcal to add a smoky flavor that pairs well with the earthiness of the tea and the tartness of the blackberries.
    • Berry Variations: Mix and match the blackberries with other berries like raspberries or strawberries for a different berry profile and a more complex flavor.
    • Citrus Zest: Grate some orange or grapefruit zest into the cocktail mix to enhance the citrus notes and add a bright, aromatic undertone.
    Blackberry Tea Margarita

    Blackberry Tea Margarita

    Blackberry Tea Margarita is a refreshing cocktail drink with a bold dance of flavors, merging the sweet, tart kick of the berries with the grounded, aromatic warmth of tea.
    Total Time 15 minutes
    Course Drinks
    Cuisine American
    Servings 2


    • 1 cup fresh blackberries
    • 1/2 cup brewed tea (black or green tea, cooled)
    • 3 oz tequila
    • 1.5 oz lime juice
    • 1 oz triple sec (or any orange-flavored liqueur)
    • 1 tbsp agave syrup or simple syrup
    • Ice cubes
    • Salt or sugar for rimming the glass
    • Lime slices and fresh blackberries for garnish


    • Brew your choice of tea and allow it to cool completely (you can prepare and cool the tea in advance to make things faster)
    • Muddle the fresh blackberries in a cocktail shaker to release their juice and flavors. Then add tea, tequila, lime juice, triple sec, and agave syrup, and fill the shaker halfway with ice cubes.
    • Secure the lid on the shaker and shake vigorously for about 15-20 seconds to combine all the ingredients well.
    • Run a lime slice around the rim of each glass and then dip the rims into salt or sugar, according to your preference. Next, strain the cocktail mixture into the margarita glasses filled with ice cubes.
    • Garnish each glass with a lime slice and a few fresh blackberries. Serve immediately and enjoy!

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