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Earl Grey Lavender Latte Recipe – Aromatic Elegance!

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Earl Grey Lavender Latte is an elegant fusion, where the celebrated flavors of classic British tea blend beautifully with the serene notes of French lavender.

This delightful concoction marries the robust, citrus-kissed essence of Earl Grey with the calming, floral aroma of lavender, crafting each sip into a sophisticated layer of flavor.

Start your morning with a hot Earl Grey Lavender Latte or enhance your afternoon with an iced version of this aromatic elixir!

Earl Grey Lavender Latte

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Why You Should Try This Recipe

  • Unique Flavor Combination: The Earl Grey Lavender Latte merges the distinct citrus notes of Earl Grey with the floral subtlety of lavender, offering a unique flavor that’s both invigorating and soothing.
  • Antioxidant Benefits: Both Earl Grey tea and lavender are known for their health benefits, including high levels of antioxidants which can help fight free radicals and support overall health.
  • Aromatic Experience: The combination of lavender and bergamot from the Earl Grey creates a richly aromatic experience that can help reduce stress and enhance relaxation, making it a perfect choice for a calming break any time of day.
  • Versatility in Serving: This latte can be enjoyed hot or cold, making it a versatile recipe that can be enjoyed any time of the year. Whether you need warming up or cooling down, it’s a great choice.
  • Culinary Creativity: Trying this recipe is a chance to expand your culinary skills and experiment with tea-based beverages, adding a touch of gourmet to your home café options.


The Earl Grey Lavender Latte combines select ingredients to create a beverage that’s as enchanting as it is satisfying.

At its heart is Earl Grey tea, renowned for its distinctive flavor derived from the oil of bergamot orange, offering a zesty citrus profile. Complementing this is the delicate lavender, known for its light floral aroma that brings a calming quality to the brew.

This blend not only tastes wonderful but also provides a moment of tranquility in your busy day!

Ingredients for making 2 cups of Earl Grey Lavender Latte:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 Earl Grey tea bags (or 2 teaspoons of loose leaf)
  • 1 teaspoon dried lavender buds
  • 1 cup of milk (dairy or any plant-based alternative)
  • Sweetener of choice (sugar, honey, or a sugar-free alternative), optional
  • A fresh lavender sprig or some dried lavender (for garnish), optional

How to Make Earl Grey Lavender Latte

Step-by-step instructions for making 2 cups of Earl Grey Lavender Latte:

  1. Boil Water:
    • Start by bringing the water to a boil in a small pot or kettle.
  2. Steep Tea and Lavender:
    • Once the water is boiling, remove from heat. Add the Earl Grey tea bags and dried lavender to the hot water. Let them steep for about 5 minutes.
  3. Warm the Milk:
    • While the tea is steeping, warm the milk in a separate pot over medium heat or in a microwave until hot but not boiling.
  4. Froth the Milk:
    • If you have a milk frother, use it to froth the warm milk until it’s foamy. If you don’t have a frother, you can vigorously whisk the milk by hand or blend it briefly in a blender to create some foam.
  5. Combine Tea and Milk:
    • Strain the tea and lavender mixture into large cups or glasses, removing the tea bags and lavender pieces. Sweeten the tea if desired.
    • Gently pour the frothed milk over the tea. For a layered effect, hold a spoon over the cup and pour the milk over it to slow the pour, which helps keep the milk and tea layers separate initially.
  6. Garnish and Serve:
    • Optionally, add a fresh lavender sprig on each cup or sprinkle a pinch of culinary lavender on top of the foam for decoration.
    • Enjoy your Earl Grey Lavender Latte hot, savoring the soothing blend of citrusy, floral flavors!

Iced Earl Grey Lavender Latte

An Iced Earl Grey Lavender Latte is an ideal drink for relaxation or a refined refreshment on hot summer days.

Iced Earl Grey Lavender Latte

To make an iced version of the Earl Grey Lavender Latte, first brew and sweeten the tea as instructed above. However, there is no need to heat up the milk, instead, you can just use cold milk.

Once the brewed and sweetened milk has cooled, fill a glass with ice, pour the tea over the ice, and top with cold milk or cold foam. Stir gently to mix the layers and enjoy a refreshing iced Earl Grey Lavender Latte!

Tips & Variations

  • Try Different Milk Options: Try using almond milk, oat milk, or coconut milk for different flavors and textures. Each plant-based milk can add a unique twist to your latte.
  • Herbal Twist: Add some chamomile flowers or rose petals with the lavender for a more complex and soothing herbal flavor that can add depth to your latte.
  • Infuse with Citrus: Add a strip of lemon or orange zest to the brewing tea to enhance the citrus notes of the bergamot in Earl Grey, providing a brighter flavor profile.
  • Layered Presentation: Create a visually stunning layered effect by carefully pouring the frothed milk over the back of a spoon onto the brewed tea, allowing the colors to contrast distinctly before mixing.
  • Decaffeinated Option: Use decaffeinated Earl Grey tea to enjoy this latte as a relaxing evening drink without affecting your sleep, maintaining all the flavor with none of the caffeine.
Earl Grey Lavender Latte

Earl Grey Lavender Latte

Here is a versatile Earl Grey Lavender Latte recipe, which guides you through creating both a soothing hot beverage for cozy moments and a refreshing iced version for cooling down on warmer days.
Total Time 15 minutes
Course Drinks
Cuisine American
Servings 2


  • 1 cup Water
  • 2 Earl Grey tea bags or 2 teaspoons of loose leaf
  • 1 tsp Dried lavender buds
  • 1 cup Milk dairy or any plant-based alternative
  • Sugar or other sweetener
  • A fresh lavender sprig or dried lavender for garnish optional


  • Bring water to a boil in a small pot or kettle, remove from heat, and add the Earl Grey tea bags and dried lavender. Steep for about 5 minutes.
  • While the tea is steeping, warm the milk until hot but not boiling.
  • If you have a milk frother, use it to froth the warm milk until it’s foamy. If you don’t have a frother, whisk the milk by hand or blend it in a blender to create foam.
  • Strain the tea into large cups or glasses and pour the frothed milk on top.
  • You can add a fresh lavender sprig on each cup or sprinkle a pinch of culinary lavender on top of the foam for decoration. Enjoy!

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